// Array to hold the player object ids onepixelout_objects = new Array(); // Array to hold the playerIDs onepixelout_players = new Array(); // Set a flag to show if id's have been collected onepixelout_initialized = 0; // Call back when a player is started - it uses the flashvar playerID of the player that is starting as its parameter function ap_stopAll(playerID) { // If this is the first time we clicked a player then get the object and player ids if (!onepixelout_initialized) { onepixelout_getPlayers(); onepixelout_initialized = 1; } // Iterate over the array of players for(var i = 0; i < onepixelout_players.length; i++) { try { // If this player id is not the playerID that is starting then close it if(onepixelout_players[i] != playerID) { document.getElementById(onepixelout_objects[i]).SetVariable('closePlayer', 1); } else { document.getElementById(onepixelout_objects[i]).SetVariable('closePlayer', 0); } } catch( errorObject ) { // Trap any errors } } } // Get object and playerIDs of onepixelout players function onepixelout_getPlayers() { //Initialize a counter i = 0; // Iterate over all onepixelout players $('.onepixelout > [id^=swf]').each(function () { // Collect the div ids, turn them in to object ids, and store them onepixelout_objects[i] = $(this).attr('id'); // Extract the flashvars string flashvars = $('#' + onepixelout_objects[i] + ' > param').filter('[name=flashvars]').attr('value'); // Find out where playerID appears in the value index1 = flashvars.indexOf('playerID'); // Find out where the first ampersand is in the value index2 = flashvars.indexOf('&'); // The playerID variable is this substring so store it onepixelout_players[i++] = flashvars.substring(index1 + 9, index2); }); }