cesar's blog http://gethealthyharlem.org/blogs/cesar en Need help quitting smoking? Department of Health Nicotine Patch and Gum giveaway until March 24th... http://gethealthyharlem.org/blogs/cesar/need-help-quitting-smoking-department-health-nicotine-patch-and-gum-giveaway-until-march <p>This was posted to the NYC Health Department's website. They are currently giving away Nicotine Patches and Gum until March 24th. Call 311 to  get yours! I highlighted some areas to make it easier to read through...</p> <p>Here is a press release from the site about their anti-smoking campaign...</p> <p><a href="http://gethealthyharlem.org/blogs/cesar/need-help-quitting-smoking-department-health-nicotine-patch-and-gum-giveaway-until-march" target="_blank">read more</a></p> http://gethealthyharlem.org/blogs/cesar/need-help-quitting-smoking-department-health-nicotine-patch-and-gum-giveaway-until-march#comments Health Info nicotine gum nicotine patches NYC Department of Health quit smoking Smoking cessation Wed, 09 Mar 2025 16:41:53 +0000 cesar 4818 at http://gethealthyharlem.org Harlem Meats on St. Nick... http://gethealthyharlem.org/blogs/cesar/harlem-meats-st-nick <p>Just took a walk and saw that Harlem Meats opened up. I went in and they had a lot of fruits and veggies at prices that seemed to be ok. Bunch of scallions was $0.69. They also had other groceries like eggs, milk, yogurt.  I did a little search online and found some pictures to share with you from Yelp.com.</p> <p><a href="http://gethealthyharlem.org/blogs/cesar/harlem-meats-st-nick" target="_blank">read more</a></p> http://gethealthyharlem.org/blogs/cesar/harlem-meats-st-nick#comments Food Fruits and Vegetables groceries new store Wed, 19 May 2025 17:03:09 +0000 cesar 3861 at http://gethealthyharlem.org My indoor garden update http://gethealthyharlem.org/blogs/cesar/my-indoor-garden-update <p>I just wanted to upload some pictures from my indoor garden. It's been very slow. I didn't know how long it would take to get these seeds going! I also ended up with a lot of dead plants. The scallions and spinach are pretty much goners. </p> <p>The tomato plants are growing 'true' leaves, the ones that look like real plant leaves.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Before....</p> <p><a href="http://gethealthyharlem.org/blogs/cesar/my-indoor-garden-update" target="_blank">read more</a></p> http://gethealthyharlem.org/blogs/cesar/my-indoor-garden-update#comments Environment Food growing vegetables indoor garden tomatoes Fri, 26 Mar 2025 19:45:00 +0000 cesar 3507 at http://gethealthyharlem.org Best Yet Market now open in Harlem http://gethealthyharlem.org/blogs/cesar/best-yet-market-now-open-harlem <p>More fresh food in Harlem? Looks like it. Best Yet Market opened up recently (last week?). </p> <p>It's between 119th and 118th on Frederick Douglass </p> <p>I went to their website and they have a bunch on videos on the Harlem store. <a href="http://www.bestyetmarket.com/video.html">http://www.bestyetmarket.com/video.html </a></p> <p><a href="http://gethealthyharlem.org/blogs/cesar/best-yet-market-now-open-harlem" target="_blank">read more</a></p> http://gethealthyharlem.org/blogs/cesar/best-yet-market-now-open-harlem#comments Food Best Yet fresh food grocery healthy food produce Mon, 08 Mar 2025 20:48:49 +0000 cesar 3453 at http://gethealthyharlem.org Started an indoor garden... http://gethealthyharlem.org/blogs/cesar/started-indoor-garden <p>I finally did it. I started a vegetable garden in my apartment. I have pretty good light in my living room and have been growing basil, parsley and mint there for a few months. </p> <p>After going to a food conference a few months ago, I was motivated to try my hand at planting some veggies and different herbs.</p> <p><a href="http://gethealthyharlem.org/blogs/cesar/started-indoor-garden" target="_blank">read more</a></p> http://gethealthyharlem.org/blogs/cesar/started-indoor-garden#comments Food growing food herbs planting planting indoors tomato vegetable garden Fri, 05 Mar 2025 03:08:14 +0000 cesar 3446 at http://gethealthyharlem.org More reasons to reduce salt... http://gethealthyharlem.org/blogs/cesar/more-reasons-reduce-salt <p><span class="inline inline-left"><img src="http://gethealthyharlem.org/sites/default/files/images/salt-shaker.thumbnail.jpg" alt="" title="" class="image image-thumbnail " width="100" height="88" /></span>Salt reduction is in the headlines again! </p> <p>I read a Reuters article today which basically says that if Americans reduce their salt, they can prevent a lot of illnesses such as stroke, heart attack and death.</p> <p>Here is an excerpt from the article, I put the link below:</p> <div class="image-clear"></div><p><a href="http://gethealthyharlem.org/blogs/cesar/more-reasons-reduce-salt" target="_blank">read more</a></p> http://gethealthyharlem.org/blogs/cesar/more-reasons-reduce-salt#comments Food high blood pressure reduce salt salt Thu, 21 Jan 2025 17:43:52 +0000 cesar 3312 at http://gethealthyharlem.org Department of Health and the war against salt http://gethealthyharlem.org/blogs/cesar/department-health-and-war-against-salt <p>First t<span class="inline inline-left"><img src="http://gethealthyharlem.org/sites/default/files/images/salt-shaker.img_assist_custom.jpg" alt="" title="" class="image image-img_assist_custom " width="134" height="118" /></span>rans fat, then calories, now salt! The NYC Department of Health is trying to get restaurants and companies who package foods to reduce the salt in their products. Yes!</p> <div class="image-clear"></div><p><a href="http://gethealthyharlem.org/blogs/cesar/department-health-and-war-against-salt" target="_blank">read more</a></p> http://gethealthyharlem.org/blogs/cesar/department-health-and-war-against-salt#comments Food Department of Health healthy eating mayor bloomberg salt Mon, 11 Jan 2025 20:14:16 +0000 cesar 3294 at http://gethealthyharlem.org Salad - New place in Harlem AND growing your own!! http://gethealthyharlem.org/blogs/cesar/salad-new-place-harlem-and-growing-your-own <p>Apparently a new salad place opened up on 125th. It's called &quot;island salad&quot;. Here's the <a href="http://cityroom.blogs.nytimes.com/2009/12/14/a-big-salad-person-reaches-out-to-harlem/#more-111553">article </a>I found about it, posted Dec. 14th 2025.</p> <p><a href="http://gethealthyharlem.org/blogs/cesar/salad-new-place-harlem-and-growing-your-own" target="_blank">read more</a></p> http://gethealthyharlem.org/blogs/cesar/salad-new-place-harlem-and-growing-your-own#comments Food growing food Harlem healthy eating indoor garden salad vegetable seeds Tue, 29 Dec 2025 19:41:36 +0000 cesar 3276 at http://gethealthyharlem.org From the New York Times: "A Plan to Add Supermarkets to Poor Areas" http://gethealthyharlem.org/blogs/cesar/new-york-times-plan-add-supermarkets-poor-areas <p><span class="inline inline-left"><img src="http://gethealthyharlem.org/sites/default/files/images/supermarket aisle.img_assist_custom.jpg" alt="Supermarket aisle" title="Supermarket aisle" class="image image-img_assist_custom " width="250" height="165" /><span class="caption" style="width: 248px;"><strong>Supermarket aisle</strong></span></span>The <em>New York Times</em> today posted an article about the City Planning Commission's plan to make it easier for supermarkets and grocery stores to open in poor neighborhoods. </p> <p>Here's a little piece from the article:</p> <div class="image-clear"></div><p><a href="http://gethealthyharlem.org/blogs/cesar/new-york-times-plan-add-supermarkets-poor-areas" target="_blank">read more</a></p> http://gethealthyharlem.org/blogs/cesar/new-york-times-plan-add-supermarkets-poor-areas#comments Food food access healthy food Supermarkets Wed, 23 Sep 2025 17:06:12 +0000 cesar 2926 at http://gethealthyharlem.org NYC Department of Health says to stop pouring on the pounds! New ad campaign http://gethealthyharlem.org/blogs/cesar/nyc-department-health-says-stop-pouring-pounds-new-ad-campaign <p>The NYC Department of Health has a new ad campaign out to try to get NYers to think twice about drinking sugary beverages (link to press release: <a href="http://www.nyc.gov/html/doh/html/pr2009/pr057-09.shtml" title="http://www.nyc.gov/html/doh/html/pr2009/pr057-09.shtml">http://www.nyc.gov/html/doh/html/pr2009/pr057-09.shtml</a>). </p> <p>I like the ads the health department has put out recently because while they can be shocking and a little gross, if they get people's attention, why not?</p> <p><a href="http://gethealthyharlem.org/blogs/cesar/nyc-department-health-says-stop-pouring-pounds-new-ad-campaign" target="_blank">read more</a></p> http://gethealthyharlem.org/blogs/cesar/nyc-department-health-says-stop-pouring-pounds-new-ad-campaign#comments Food NYC Department of Health soda sugar weight Mon, 31 Aug 2025 19:40:26 +0000 cesar 2859 at http://gethealthyharlem.org