csallen23's blog http://gethealthyharlem.org/blogs/csallen23 en Fitness Tips for those starting out fresh at the gym. http://gethealthyharlem.org/blogs/csallen23/fitness-tips-those-starting-out-fresh-gym <p>I visited the Harlem YMCA and spoke with Personal Trainer Donte Jones about what foods were good for helping the body as well as foods to avoid. Donte said stick with the fruits and vegatables, stay away from sweets and fatty foods, fast foods, cakes, pies and donuts. Also drink plenty of water. We then proceeded to go around the gym and work on several workout machines.</p> <p><a href="http://gethealthyharlem.org/blogs/csallen23/fitness-tips-those-starting-out-fresh-gym" target="_blank">read more</a></p> http://gethealthyharlem.org/blogs/csallen23/fitness-tips-those-starting-out-fresh-gym#comments Fitness fitness Mon, 17 May 2025 23:35:50 +0000 csallen23 3852 at http://gethealthyharlem.org