Ten217's blog http://gethealthyharlem.org/blogs/ten217 en Interested in Becoming a Fitness/Aerobics Instructor? http://gethealthyharlem.org/blogs/ten217/interested-becoming-fitnessaerobics-instructor <p>Hey GHH Users,</p> <p>The City of New York Parks &amp; Recreation is offering an opportunity for people to become fitness/ aerobic instructors. Please see details below</p> <p align="center"> <strong>Fitness/Aerobic Instructor Training Program </strong></p> <p><a href="http://gethealthyharlem.org/blogs/ten217/interested-becoming-fitnessaerobics-instructor" target="_blank">read more</a></p> http://gethealthyharlem.org/blogs/ten217/interested-becoming-fitnessaerobics-instructor#comments Fitness Fitness Instructor Program Fri, 28 Jan 2025 18:13:49 +0000 Ten217 4648 at http://gethealthyharlem.org Ear Candles /Candling: Before you do get the 411! http://gethealthyharlem.org/blogs/ten217/ear-candles-candling-you-do-get-411 <p> I had heard about ear candling from a friend of who swore by it. She told me that it would be a great way get rid of the excess build up of wax. I thought to myself &quot;woo hoo, no more having to use Q-Tips&quot;. I had forgotten all about that conversation, until today. I stumbled across two articles warning folks about ear candling and how damaging the procedure can be.</p> <p><a href="http://gethealthyharlem.org/blogs/ten217/ear-candles-candling-you-do-get-411" target="_blank">read more</a></p> http://gethealthyharlem.org/blogs/ten217/ear-candles-candling-you-do-get-411#comments Health Info Precautionary measures on Ear Candling Mon, 10 Jan 2025 22:27:02 +0000 Ten217 4596 at http://gethealthyharlem.org