/** * block/block.css ==================================================== */ #blocks td.region { font-weight:bold; } #blocks tr.region-message { font-weight:normal; color:#999; } #blocks tr.region-populated { display:none; } /** * openid/openid.css ================================================== */ div#edit-openid-identifier-wrapper { display:block; } html.js #user-login-form div#edit-openid-identifier-wrapper, html.js #user-login div#edit-openid-identifier-wrapper { display:none; } html.js #user-login-form li.openid-link, html.js #user-login li.openid-link { display:block; } #user-login-form li.openid-link, #user-login-form li.user-link, #user-login li.openid-link, #user-login li.user-link { display:none; } /** * system/system.css ================================================== */ body.drag { cursor:move; } th.active img { display:inline; } td.active { background-color:#ddd; } td.checkbox, th.checkbox { text-align:center; } thead th { text-align:auto; } .error { color:#e55; } .warning { color:#e09010; } .ok { color:#008000; } div.error { border:1px solid #d77; } div.warning { border:1px solid #f0c020; } div.ok { border:1px solid #00aa00; } div.error, tr.error { background:#fcc; color:#200; } div.warning, tr.warning { background:#ffd; color:#220; } div.ok, tr.ok { background:#dfd; color:#020; } .form-item input.error, .form-item textarea.error, .form-item select.error { border-style:solid; border-color:red; } .form-item label { display:block; font-weight:bold; } .form-item label.option { display: inline; font-weight: normal; vertical-align: center; } .marker, .form-required { color:#f00; } .more-link, .more-help-link { text-align:right; } .nowrap { white-space:nowrap; } .item-list .pager { clear:both; text-align:center; } .item-list .pager li { display:inline; } .pager-current { font-weight:bold; } dl.multiselect dt, dl.multiselect dd { float:left; } dl.multiselect dd.b, dl.multiselect dd.b .form-item, dl.multiselect dd.b select { width:14em; } dl.multiselect dd.a, dl.multiselect dd.a .form-item { width:8em; } .container-inline div, .container-inline label { display:inline; } /** * Autocomplete styles */ #autocomplete { position:absolute; border:1px solid; overflow:hidden; z-index:100; } #autocomplete li { background:#fff; color:#000; white-space:pre; cursor:default; } #autocomplete li.selected { background:#0072b9; color:#fff; } /** * Animated throbber */ html.js input.throbbing { background:transparent url(drupal/throbber.gif) 100% 50% no-repeat; } /** * Resizable text areas */ .resizable-textarea { width:100%; } .resizable-textarea .grippie { height:9px; overflow:hidden; background:#eee; border:1px solid #ddd; border-top:0px; cursor:s-resize; } html.js .resizable-textarea textarea { margin-bottom:0px; width:100%; display:block; background: #FFF; } /** * Table drag and drop. */ .draggable a.tabledrag-handle { cursor:move; float:left; margin-right:10px; text-decoration:none; } a.tabledrag-handle:hover { text-decoration:none; } a.tabledrag-handle .handle { height:20px; width:20px; background:url(images/drupal/draggable.png) 0px 0px no-repeat; } a.tabledrag-handle-hover .handle { background-position:0px -20px; } div.indentation { width:20px; height:20px; float:left; /* LTR */ } div.tree-child { background:url(drupal/tree.png) no-repeat 10px 50%; } div.tree-child-last { background:url(drupal/tree-bottom.png) no-repeat 10px 50%; } div.tree-child-horizontal { background:url(drupal/tree.png) no-repeat -10px 50%; } /** * Teaser splitter */ .joined + .grippie { height:5px; margin-bottom:-2px; } /* Keeps inner content contained in Opera 9. */ .teaser-checkbox { padding-top:1px; } div.teaser-button-wrapper { float:right; padding-right:5px; } .teaser-checkbox div.form-item { float:right; margin-right:5px; } textarea.teaser { display:none; } html.js .no-js { display:none; } /* ** Progressbar styles */ .progress { font-weight:bold; } .progress .bar { background:#fff url(drupal/progress.gif); border:1px solid #035; height:18px; } .progress .filled { background:#07b; height:18px; width:0%; } .progress .percentage { float:right; } .progress-disabled { float:left; } .ahah-progress { float:left; } .ahah-progress .throbber { width:20px; height:20px; background:transparent url(drupal/throbber.gif) 50% 50% no-repeat; float:left; } .ahah-progress-bar { width:16em; } /** * Formatting for welcome page */ #first-time strong { display:block; } /** * To be used with tableselect.js */ tr.selected td { background:#ffc; } /** * Floating header for tableheader.js */ table.sticky-header { margin-top:0px; background:#fff; } /** * Installation clean URLs */ #clean-url.install { display:none; } /** * For anything you want to hide on page load when JS is enabled, so * that you can use the JS to control visibility and avoid flicker. */ html.js .js-hide { display:none; } /** * Styles for the system modules page (admin/build/modules) */ #system-modules div.incompatible, #system-themes-form div.incompatible { font-weight:bold; } /** * Password strength indicator */ span.password-strength, span.password-confirm { visibility:hidden; } div.password-description { max-width:500px; } /** * update/update.css ================================================== */ .update .project, .update table.version-recommended-strong .version-title { font-weight:bold; } .update .version-status { float:right; } .update .version-status .icon { padding-left:10px; } .update .version-date { white-space:nowrap; } .update tr.error .version-recommended { background: #fdd; } .update tr.warning .version-recommended { background: #ffe; } .current-version, .new-version { direction: ltr; /* Note: version numbers should always be LTR. */ } .update tr.unknown { background: #ddd; } .update table.version-security .version-title { color: #910; } .update .security-error { font-weight: bold; color: #910; } /** * user/user.css ====================================================== */ #permissions td.module { font-weight: bold; } #permissions td.permission { padding-left:20px; }