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  • Healthy Tip of the Week (HTW): January 3 - January 9

    GHHEditor January 4th

    As we begin the New Year, we all want to start it off right. Now that the holidays have come and gone, we are all heading back to work with a fresh start. Continue to feel less tired and more energized with these helpful tips!

    • Drink a lot of water! You'll be amazed how good you feel if you drink a lot of water every day. Sometimes we forget the basics during our busy lives, but it's important to always stay hydrated. Try carrying a water bottle with you as a reminder!
    • Try to get at least seven hours of sleep a night. It may not always be this easy, but it's important to do your best to get at least seven hours of sleep. If you are not getting enough sleep each night, it can be harmful to your health later on. Making sleep a priority is very important to avoid health complications!
    • Get some exercise! Take a 10 minute jog each day, or if you can, take the stairs. Getting just a little bit of exercise each day can go a long way. Whether it's doing some sort of exercise before or after work or staying active throughout the day by taking the stairs, walking instead of driving or taking public transportation, you can really benefit from a quick burst of heart healthy activity.
    • Take time for yourself throughout your day. Make sure to take some time each day to do something that makes you happy! Meditate, read, listen to music, or even just close your eyes for 10 minutes. Taking this moment can make you feel "centered" and help to relax you during your busy day.
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