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  • Maudene Nelson, RD, CDE

    Q: What is your profession? Where do you work?

    A: My profession: Nutritionist
    Work location: I work at the Columbia University Medical Center for the Institute of Human Nutrition and the Naomi Berrie Diabetes Center

    Q: What do you do to stay healthy?

    A: To stay healthy --- Fortunately I enjoy good health. But to keep it that way I try to stay as active as possible. I ride my bicycle to commute to and from work for as much of the year (winter included) as possible. I walk as much as I can. This means that I always have very comfortable shoes on or ready to change into. I take a few nutritional supplements, but only about 5 or 7 days. (These are an age appropriate multivitamin and omega-3 fat). I chose a general diet that has much more plant foods than animal foods and I try to eat beans daily. To stay healthy I try to get quality sleep but I'm lured by TV in the evening. At least I try to watch something funny before going to sleep.

    Q:  What is your favorite thing to do in Harlem?

    A: My favorite thing to do in Harlem is the Friday before-noon half price movie at the Magic Johnson AMC theater!

    Q: What are your hobbies?

    A: I guess I'm a "domestic tomboy" -- knitting, bike riding, sewing, walking in parks, & cooking. But, I like to challenge of finding the sense and non-sense in many email & internet nutrition claims.