High blood pressure is a problem in our community
High blood pressure, also called hypertension, is the most common condition diagnosed in the United States. It affects African-Americans and Hispanics more than other groups. High blood pressure can lead to a variety of serious health conditions, including stroke, kidney and heart diseases. It affects residents of Northern Manhattan at higher rates than other areas of Manhattan.
What is the best way to lower blood pressure?
The Harlem Health Promotion Center’s (HHPC) Project SHARE program is designed to reduce high blood pressure (hypertension) in the Northern Manhattan communities of Harlem, Washington Heights and Inwood. Project SHARE will also determine the most effective way of supporting program participants as they work to lower their blood pressure.
Information about Project SHARE
WHO? The project is open to residents of Northern Manhattan who want to participate and have blood pressure of 130/85 or higher.
WHERE & WHEN? We will screen volunteers for high blood pressure at local hospitals, community organizations and events in Northern Manhattan.
WHAT WILL PARTICIPANTS DO? Those who choose to participate will answer questions about their health in a brief survey. Participants will be in one of three groups, with each group getting different types of health education materials to see which works best to lower their blood pressure.
WHAT WILL PARTICIPANTS GET? Project SHARE staff will provide education materials about high blood pressure and ways to control it, including diet, physical activity, quitting smoking, stress management and taking medication if needed. We will also connect participants with appropriate local health care resources. Participants will also get a gift, such as movie tickets or gift cards, to thank them for helping us with this project.
We also believe that participants will feel a sense of empowerment in reaching their own personal goals of weight loss, healthier eating or smoking cessation.
HOW LONG? Participants will be involved in the program for one year, and will complete a survey at the beginning, middle and end of that time period to see if they lowered their blood pressure compared with when they started the program.
For more information, contact:
Tenisha DeWindt, Community Health Worker, 646-284-9744, td2339@columbia.edu
Alberta Morgan, Community Health Worker, 646-284-9737, am3644@columbia.edu