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Transitions Lifestyle workshops

Event posted by nbruning in Health Info 16 weeks ago

03/10/2009 - 19:30
05/26/2009 - 21:00

This 12-week workshop is designed for anyone who wants to improve their way of eating, moving, and handling stress ... a major goal is weight loss, but that's not the only one.   This program was also created to address diabetes, heart disease, fatigue and other chronic health issues stemming from improper diet and nutrition and chronic stress--health problems that are high in this community and at this moment in time. Transitions offers sane and balanced solutions to these issues by focusing on and helping you implement the principles of eating low glycemic load meals along with targeted nutritional supplementation,  exercise, and stress reduction. If you or anyone you know is overweight, chronically tired, hypoglycemic or is dealing with diabetes or heart related illnesses, join us to put into practice this highly effective path toward reclaiming your own health!

Nancy Bruning, BA, MPH and Alison Laird Craig LMT, CNP will be leading the workshops every Tuesday evening, 7:30-9:30, March 10-May 26. The Transitions Lifestyle System was created by Dr. Shari Lieberman and is based on the book “Dare to Lose” which she and Nancy wrote together.

The fee will be $550 which includes a journal, meal plans, exercise tips, a month's supply of nutritional  supplements, tastings of delicious, healthy snacks and a signed copy of DARE  TO LOSE (over $100 value), which breaks down to a very affordable $37 per weekly 90-minute session.

To reserve your space in the workshop and for more info: write Nancy at nancercize@gmail.com or give her a call at 212-927-7174.



Stayin Fit wrote

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okay this looks very interesting ... 12 weeks - hmm. not sure i can be regularly available for 12 weeks given my schedule.

do you do shorter workshops?

nbruning wrote

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If there is a demand for it, we can do a 6 week workshop. The price goes down if you bring a friend. email me at nancercize@gmail.com for details.