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Michelle Obama's Arms

Article posted by nbruning in Fitness on March 2, 2025 - 12:42pm
Key words: Fitness, Women, Health, Beauty.

The world is abuzz about Michelle Obama's toned and beautiful arms. For example, CNN ran a story on Friday called "How to get Michelle Obama's toned arms" at

The article quotes a couple of people who are amazed that this woman can be so busy as First Lady, raising to two children, and still find time to take care of herself, as evidenced by her trademark toned arms, which she not afraid to flaunt.

Fitness doesn’t happen by itself. The Obamas rise at 5:30 AM and usually work out before they have breakfast, with the First Lady devoting 90 minutes to her good health. The message is, if she can do it, why can't more of us do it? And why do women shy away from working out because they mistakenly think they will bulk up like Arnold Schwarzenegger?

Before you think just doing arm exercises with weights is the answer, remember that this alone is not enough to get those Obama arms.  You need to follow an exercise program that targets all the major muscles of your body--you can’t just spot reduce those flabby batwings.  The current recommendations are for at least 30 minutes of cardiovascular exercise three times a week; plus at least twice a week of all-over strength training. That’s the best recipe for burning calories and fat and for speeding up your metabolism so your body burns calories even when you're not actively exercising. This in turn reduces all over excess body fat, including on your arms and belly.

And, you need to watch what you're eating--emphasize low glycemic carbohydrates (vegetables, fruits, salads, and some whole grains), lean protein such as fish and chicken without the skin, beans and legumes, and small amounts of healthy fats and oils such as olive or flax seed oil.

You should know that fad diets that are hard to follow for the rest of your life just don't work over the long run, and can jeopardize you health in the short run. Pick a plan that focuses on overall health, not just weight loss. And the latest studies show that two key components of successful weight loss and healthy living are keeping a journal of what you eat and how much you exercise, and having the ongoing support of a group or a coach.

Explore this website further for exercise and healthy eating tips, including the events being offered in northern Manhattan, such as the Transitions Lifestyle Workshops and East Harlem Health Tutorial Program.  It can be difficult to change your lifestyle alone--fortunately, you don't need to do it alone.



sak2109 wrote

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they get up at 5.30 AM? wow!

nbruning wrote

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even I don't get up that early!