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  • Did You Know?

    Did you know…what to expect and how to prepare for a colonoscopy?

    Did you know…what to expect and how to prepare for a colonoscopy?

    Did you know…a colonoscopy can save your life?

    Did you know…a colonoscopy can save your life?

    Did you know...you can get involved in shaping the healthcare treatment of the future?

    Precision Medicine is the newest way for doctors to help treat patients' and prevent disease.

    Did you know...Precision Medicine can help you get better care?

    When you visit your medical provider for a checkup or a certain health concern, he or she may suggest a treatment that helps the “average patient.” But this “one-size-fits-all” approach may not work for everyone, including you.

    Did you know...simple home cleaning can send cockroaches packing and prevent asthma triggers?

    The anti-roach cleaning regimen:

    • Take everything out of your kitchen cabinets. Vacuum all live and dead cockroaches and their eggs.  Make sure to clean underneath the sink and on the tops of the cabinets – these are places where roaches like to hide. 

    Did you know…there are many different types of research?

    There are three main ways of doing of research:

    Did you know…modern medical research now protects people who volunteer to get involved in studies?

    The U.S. government created the Tuskegee Health Benefit Program in 1974. This program gives lifetime medical and health benefits for all those involved in the Tuskegee syphillis study along with their immediate family members for the rest of their lives.

    Did you know...modern medical research has come a long way from its beginnings?

    Modern medical research has been around since the early 20th century. Early on it was meant to help scientists not only learn about diseases, but to better help those who suffer from them. In the beginning, there were no formal rules or regulations to protect the health and safety of those who were involved in scientific studies.

    Did you know…YOU can benefit from research studies!

    Research helps us understand how things work, and educates us on better ways to eat, live, and be healthy.

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