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  • Healthy Tip of the Week (HTW): June 30--July 7, 2025

    Editor July 1st

    Fireworks Safety:

    Fireworks can be a festive way to celebrate summer holidays, but all it takes is one mistake for someone to be seriously injured because of them.

    First, consider whether you really need fireworks to celebrate. If you think you’ll miss having fireworks, make an effort to attend a public fireworks celebration instead!

    If you must have fireworks, never let children near them, and never attempt to make your own.

    • Always use them outside and keep a bucket of water and a fire extinguisher next to you in case of emergency.
    • When lighting a firework, point it away from houses, people, and trees, and do not lean any part of your body over it when you light it.
    • Don’t relight a dud, and soak used fireworks in water before putting them in the trash.

    If you follow these tips, you’ll hopefully have safe and fun holidays all summer long!

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