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  • Science & Health: “Getting to School- A Neighborhood Report” by the Harlem, Brooklyn and Bronx District Public Health Offices

    GHHEditor November 24th, 2025

    Physical activity helps children stay at a healthy weight and do better in school, but many New York City students do not get enough. Walking, biking or riding a skateboard or scooter are all great ways to add physical activity. New York City District Public Health Offices talked to sixth-grade students and principals, and spoke with parents in East and Central Harlem, North and Central Brooklyn and the South Bronx about how students get to school.



    Here are some highlights:

    • Most students live close to school, and 60% usually walk, but only 1% use other forms of active transportation (like a bike, skateboard or scooter)
    • Parents want their children to get to school quickly and safely
    • Students also say they have safety concerns about walking and biking near school
    • Schools can encourage active transportation that means you have to be active

    The report goes into detail about what parents, schools, and organizations that serve young people can do to help make active transportation safe for students. Find out how you can help children get to school safely by clicking the on the links below:

    For full report details click here.
    For a list of all local research reports click here.

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