Family. Friends. School assignments. Tests. Extracurricular activities. Jobs. Preparing for after high school. Being a teen can be really card. Here are some quick tips and activities to help reduce stress in all areas of your life:
Practice Relaxation Techniques
- Meditate
- Practice deep breathing exercises
- Visualize yourself in calming situations
- Use aromatherapy
- Have massage therapy
Exercise or Engage in Physical Activity
Eat Nutritiously
- Eat a well-balanced diet
- Drink plenty of water
- Avoid eating processed and sugary foods
- Avoid overeating
- Reduce the amount of caffeine you consume
Get Enough Rest
- Get plenty of sleep
- Periodically take breaks to rest your mind and body
- Use calming lavender
Set Goals
- Set small, achievable goals along the way
- Keep track of your progress
- Celebrate when you reach milestones toward accomplishing goals
- Express your feelings rather than bottling them up
- Keep a journal as a means of self-expression
- Talk with friends and/or family members
- Participate in counseling or therapy
Remember, help is possible. If you are feeling depressed, contact your healthcare provider, a trusted adult, or Renee Cohall, LCSW & BeWell Co-Director at (646) 245-4000