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  • Healthy Tip of the Week (HTW): August 31 - September 6, 2025

    GHHEditor August 31st

    National Cancer Survivors Day is a time to honor those who have been diagnosed with cancer and have survived treatment. It is also a way to educate people about this disease and support families who have lost a loved one to cancer—as they are another type of survivor. Once a person is finished with cancer treatment, they may find that they have physical, social or emotional side effects like fatigue, diabetes, infertility, memory loss, hair loss, depression, weight gain, and fear that the cancer will come back. While many survivors are afraid of cancer coming back and may have a bleak view of what life after cancer looks like—the reality is that more people are living longer and having better quality lives after cancer than ever before.

    What cancer survivors can do to improve their chances of staying healthy:

    • Eat less meat and more fresh fruits and vegetables
    • Exercise for at least 30 minutes each day

    These two things will help:

    • Reduce the chances of getting other cancers
    • Relieve long-term side effects in the heart and lungs
    • Improve mood
    • With weight loss or keeping a healthy weight
    • Increase energy and strength

    Click here to learn more about National Cancer Survivor Day and Cancer Survivorship Week

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