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  • Healthy Tip of the Week (HTW): February 2-February 8, 2025

    BrandingAdministr... February 2nd

    It's American Heart month! With Valentine's Day as the centerpiece of this month, February is a time to show love not only to others but to yourself! Do this by paying attention to your physical heart by learning more about the risks of heart disease and stroke so that you can stay "heart healthy" for yourself and loved ones.

    Heart disease is a major problem in our community. It is also the number one killer and leading cause of disability in men and womken living in the United States. It is very important to keep your heart healthy by regularly checking your blood pressure to be sure you don't have hypertension or that it is under control, and to keep a healthy heart to avoid stroke. If you don't keep regular tabs on your heart health, a heart attack or stroke could keep you from working and enjoying your daily activities. To reduce your chances of getting heart disease, here are some things you can do:


    Choosing healthier meals can help you avoid heart disease and its complications. Keeping your diet low in salt can lower your blood pressure as well. Be sure to eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables--adults should have at least five servings each day. Eating foods low in fats, cholesterol and high in fiber can be of great help.


    Physical activity can help you keep a healthier weight, lower cholesterol and blood pressure. It is important for adults to perfomr physical activity such as brisk walks and jogging for at least 20-30 minutes each day.

    Avoid cigarettes

    Cigarette smoking greatly increases your chances of getting heart disease. For more information on how to help yourself or someone you know quit smoking, click here

    Reduce high blood pressure

    High blood pressure has no symptoms so it's very important to check it every day. You can check your blood pressure at home, in a pharmacy, or at a doctor's office.

    Control high cholesterol

    You should have your cholesterol checked every five years. If high cholesterol is not caught early it can lead to heart disease.

    Control diabetes

    If you have diabetes, monitor your blood sugar levels closely, and talk with your health care team about treatment options.


    Be smare and be heart healthy! For more information on how to better your heart health click here.

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