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  • Healthy Tip of the Week (HTW), Nov 20-26

    GHHEditor November 20th, 2025

    November is National Alzheimer’s Awareness month. Take some time this week to learn more about Alzheimer’s and what you can do to help your loved ones who may be dealing with it. Here are some facts and tips that can help!

    1. People who have Alzheimer’s can struggle with speaking. Be patient and give them a chance to speak, and try not to get frustrated. For more advice on communicating with someone who has Alzheimer’s, click here

    2. Eating can be difficult for people with Alzheimer’s. Make things easier for them by serving them only a few foods at a time (so they don’t get overwhelmed) and letting them take their time. For more, click here.

    3. People who have Alzheimer’s often suffer from depression. Make sure that they are getting the help they need. A therapist can help them make a treatment plan. Click here for more.  

    4. The Alzheimer’s Association has a NYC chapter. They can offer you help!

    5. It’s important for people with Alzheimer’s to feel valued. Consider giving them simple tasks around the house, making sure to take their limitations into account. This will help them feel like they’re contributing. Click here for more.

    It takes patience and compassion to care for someone with Alzheimer’s—but it’s worthwhile. You’ll be glad you did.

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