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  • Healthy Tip of the Week (HTW). September 17-24

    GHHEditor September 16th, 2025

    September is National Yoga Awareness Month.

    A recent article in Yoga Journal shares the many benefits of doing yoga. This gentle practice is a great way for you to improve your health and wellness whether you’re a seasoned athlete or a newbie to physical activity. While the Yoga Journal article gives 38 benefits of this ancient Indian practice that can be traced to 3000 BC, here are just 10 reasons to add yoga to your lifestyle:

    1.       Improves flexibility

    2.       Builds muscle strength

    3.       Perfects posture

    4.       Prevents cartilage and joint breakdown

    5.       Protects your spine

    6.       Betters your bone health

    7.       Increases your blood flow

    8.       Drains your lymphs and boosts immunity

    9.       Ups your heart rate

    10.   Drops your blood pressure

    To learn more about how yoga can benefit you, read about the additional 28 ways that yoga can help you be healthier here.

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