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  • Science & Health: Is your adult vaccination record up-to-date?

    GHHEditor December 15th, 2025

    The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently highlighted the importance for adults to be up-to-date on their vaccinations. Every year thousands of adult Americans suffer serious illness, are hospitalized, and even die due to diseases that can be prevented by vaccines. Even if vaccinated as a child, the protection from some vaccines you received can wear off over time. You may also be at risk for other diseases because of your age, job, lifestyle, travel, or health conditions.

    The CDC has an immunization record form you can download that helps adults keep track of their vaccines. They advise bringing a copy of this form with you to your visits to health care providers and make sure they update with vaccine date and the provider signature after each vaccine you receive. This helps keep your immunization record  be up -to -date and correct.

    They also provide a list of places you can check for at least some of your vaccination history. These include:

    • Looking in baby books
    • Local high school and/or college health services
    • Previous employers and many more.


    For the full article including a full list of places you can check for your vaccination record, click here.

    For more information on vaccines for adults, click here.

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