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  • Did You Know... stress can affect your body and your health?

    Did you know that illnesses like heart disease, diabetes and asthma are more common Harlem than anywhere else in NYC? This may be because these illnesses are tied to stress, which is hard on your body. Here you can learn about the many ways stress can affect your body.

    Click on the different body parts to find out more:

    Did you know? is a series of health articles written by HHPC and approved by our Health Advisory Board.


    Diabetes requires a healthy mind for sugar control to take place. Stress interferes with the achievement of this state. When stressed out, as when depressed, we tend to eat high fat foods, not to exercise, not to take our medication and to skip doctor's appointments. "Don't let stress kill you because it will."
    I read this great article that gives you tips on how to deal with stress.

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