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  • Did you know...mold is a big deal?

    Did you know that there are all kinds of allergens in your home that can make it hard to breathe, trigger an asthma attack, or cause allergies in you or in your children?


    • Is one of the things that can make it hard for you to breathe, may cause asthma symptoms to get worse, or cause an allergic reaction.
    • Often looks like little dark spots.
    • Grows easily in places that get a lot of moisture (like in bathtubs or around leaky windows). Many of us are used to seeing it in our bathtubs, on our shower curtains, on the walls and ceilings, or on window sills.

    You might think you know a lot about mold, but do you know the facts?

    MYTH: A little mold won't hurt you.

    FACT: The truth is that even just a little mold can make you or your child more likely to have a hard time breathing, may cause asthma symptoms to get worse, have an asthma attack, or develop allergies!

    MYTH: A small leak isn't serious - if it just drops a little water, it won't create mold.

    FACT: Even a small leak can cause a lot of mold - and quickly! Just one small drop of water leaking out of a faucet for 12 hours can create a whole colony of mold. So fix your leaks right away!

    MYTH: There is nothing you can do to keep mold from growing in your home.

    FACT: Ventilation keeps mold away. It's THE LAW that bathrooms in apartment buildings in NYC have either a window or a working vent. If you have a window, crack it. If you have a vent, make sure it's working. A working vent sucks the air and moisture out of the room, so make sure you can feel the vent sucking air into it - not blowing it back out.

    MYTH: If you don't see little black or green spots anywhere, you don't have any mold in your home.

    FACT: Mold is not always black or green. It can also look like flaky plaster or bubbling paint. That's because sometimes building owners or managers paint or wallpaper over mold instead of actually getting rid of it correctly. Even though it looks different, this mold is just as dangerous to you and your children's health.

    MYTH: There is nothing you can do about mold once it's growing in your home.

    FACT: It IS possible to clean up mold once it's already growing in your home. If it's a small area of mold that's growing, you can clean it up yourself with the right supplies. If the mold has grown to cover a space greater than 10 feet in area, then you'll need help.

    MYTH: If you need help cleaning up the mold in your home, there's no one in Harlem that can help you do it.

    FACT: There are several agencies that help people in Harlem clean up mold in their homes. See the list below to find out about these organizations.

    For More Information about how to find and clean up the mold in your home, click here to watch a short film by the Little Sisters of the Assumption Family Health Service called Learning About Mold.

    Organizations that can help YOU get rid of mold:

    Did you know? is a series of health articles written by HHPC and approved by our Health Advisory Board.

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