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  • Healthy Tip of The Week (HTW): October 30- November 5th

    GHHEditor October 30th, 2025

    Immunization Awareness!

    We all need shots (also called vaccination or Immunizations) to help protect us from serious diseases. Immunizations help us prevent dangerous and sometimes deadly diseases and they are not just for kids; to stay protected against serious illness like the flu, measles, and pneumonia, adults need to get vaccinated too.

    • We can all use this month to raise awareness about vaccines by talking to friends and family members about how vaccines aren’t just for kids
    • People of all ages can get shots to protect from serious diseases, pregnant women are encourage to get vaccinated as well to protect themselves and their unborn child.
    • Everyone age 6 and older needs to get the flu vaccine every year. The flu shot can save the lives of all your loves ones especially if they are seniors and children.
    • Not only is important to get vaccinated for the known diseases that can spread, it is always good to get your shots if you are traveling out of the country, to obtain more information on which shots to obtain when traveling VISIT HERE

    To obtain a list of the vaccines you need per age, CLICK HERE

    Free vaccinations are offered by the NYC Department of Health in Harlem at: East Harlem Health Outreach Partnership (EHHOP), The Center for Advanced Medicine, 17 East 102nd Street, 7th Floor, New York, NY 10029.

    To contact the clinic for appointment call: 877-372-4161, The clinic is open on Saturdays from 9am-12pm.

    For a list of the vaccines provided at the East Harlem clinic, CLICK HERE

    Immunizations can save the lives of children and adults! 

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