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The Nourishing Kitchen goes green in East Harlem and on ABC 7

Link posted by nourishingkitchen in Environment on December 9, 2025 - 8:50pm
Key words: Environment, Abc News, Gina Puzzanghera, Green, Lauren Glassberg, Local 7, Go Green.


There is a soup kitchen in our area that's doing its best to serve fresh, organic foods.

It even grows and harvests many of the veggies it serves.

"I just want to make sure we have enough for everybody," said Gina Puzzanghera.

Gina is head chef and founder of the Nourishing Kitchen of New York City in East Harlem which serves up more than food.

"We also have classes every other Monday and hands on culinary programs for seniors, teens and kids," she said.


It's Gina's mission to not only make sure people are fed, but that they're well fed..

So she posts the nutritional information of each meal, and tries to use organic and local ingredients as much as possible.

Two blocks away the kitchen has its own plot at the community garden.

It's a green approach that Gina thinks will make a difference and that attracts volunteers.

One volunteer donated land that will be farmed, just a couple of hours outside the city. The food will end up in Harlem.