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  • How Inflammatory Foods Cause Obesity, Hasten The Aging Process and Make you Sick


    Food allergies and reactivity arise from sensitivity to chemical compounds in food. They develop after you are exposed to a food that your body thinks is harmful. When you eat the food it triggers the release of IgE antibodies and other chemicals, including histamine, in an effort to expel the "invader" from your body. The tissues are flooded with water and this results in weight gain. This weight gain can stay in the body for 72 hours until the "invader" is expelled. This reactive response will often result in constipation which slows down the elimination process.

    The immune system's response to an inflammatory diet diverts the body's energy from healing and repair and allows whatever is latent in our genetic makeup to "kick up", whatever is chronic (arthritis, migraines, depression) to worsen.Chronic inflammation exacerbates and hastens the aging process because it floods tissues with free radicals and promotes the destruction of normal cells. Chronic low grade inflammation contributes to the aging process and research shows that is a major contributor to the aging of the cardiovascular and nervous system. Inflammation is now recognized as one of the key risk factors for heart disease, diabetes, high cholesterol and stroke and cognitive and neurological disorders.

    Below is a list, based on my research, of many foods eaten on a daily basis and their potential of reactivity. Reactive foods

    90- 95%farm raised fishdeli meats-most sushi - most sushi restaurants will used farm raised fish unless eating in expensive restaurants

    85%shrimpmost shellfishturkeytomato sauceeggplantoatmealgreek yoghurtbeans- esp black beans and cannelinicauliflowercabbagewhole eggsnon-organic spinach- very high pesticide residuecottage cheesegrapefruit- not recommended bcs of impairing liver functiontofusalmonoranges


    70%yoghurtgreen beansasparagusbok choytomatoes, green peppers, eggplant, potatoes (purple potatoes are less reactive)orangespork

    60%red peppers (green peppers are unripe peppers)mushroomscodtunaswordfishedamame


    50%vealmilktempehwhite fish with exception of tuna, swordfish and codcoucousrice (except for brown or basmati lowers reactive rate to 10%)almond milkquinoa


    30 %egg whitesnut butters made with roasted nutssesame seeds/tahinilentils/peasorganic spinach - Will be MUCH higher if you have thyroid issues and should not be eaten rawbananas


    20% or lesslactose free milkscallopssteaklamb- if you have a steak sensitivity you will have a lamb sensitivityroasted nuts- if you have chronic illness, auto-immune disease, depression this bumps up to 75%snow peas

    10% or lesspit fruits- will include avocadosapplesgarliccow's cheesechickpeasacid fruitsraw onionsmustard greensmustardartichoke


    5% or lessgoat or sheeps cheese- higher if African American or Asianpears berriesbreadbroccoli- will be higher if you have thyroid issuescarrotszucchiniwinter squashbeetsmixed greensarugula- will be MUCH higher if you have thyroid issueskalechard- will be MUCH higher if you have thyroid issues- sensitivity to oxalic acidcollardsradicchio


    The notes below should be kept in case you test reactive to any of the foods listed:

    In children, most allergic reactions to food are to milk, peanuts, nuts from trees, eggs, soy and wheat. Most children grow out of most allergic reactions to food in early childhood. Allergies that you "grow out of" may recoccur as we age- this is due to the fact that aging itself is a low grade inflammatory process

    Peanut allergiesPeople with peanut allergies/reactivity might also be reactive to green beans and other peas - there is also a chance there might be nut allergies. Seeds such as sunflower seeds tend to be much less reactive.Pine nuts are reactive due to its high oil content. Anything that has a high oil content can go rancid quickly. People who are allergic to pine nuts might also react to peanuts and nuts such as almonds.ShellfishShellfish allergy can often cause severe reactions and some people can react to the steam from cooking shellfish.SoySometimes people with an allergy to soy will also react to foods such as peanuts, green peas, chickpeas, rye and barley


    If you have any questions you may e-mail me at [email protected]


    1 Comment

    People have to be aware of food that they consume. Food allergy is a big deal, however, not many people realize that food that they eat may cause further complications . Eating peanuts, eggs, seafood, and tree nuts are the most common food allergies. Too much walnuts, and milk are very critical in person's diet as well. If a person doesn't know whether he/she has food allergy they may ask doctor to draw blood and wait for further results.

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