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Harlem is the Army & Bed Stuy the Navy ,we must be the armed forces in this war " Disease"

Blog entry posted by noellicenter in Environment on October 7, 2025 - 1:51am
Key words: Environment, Health Info, Harlem, Disease, Bedford-stuyvesant.

 Harlem is the Army & Bed Stuy the Navy ,we must be the armed forces in this war " Disease" & rescue our people back to home land of Wellness

We are in a losing battle. Heart Disease, Diabetes, Cancer & AIDS , are doing to Blacks, and Latinos what Crack, Ku Klux Klan and segregation couldn't , killing hundreds of thousands of us yearly. Disease and Illness have become the number battle against us, all preventable. When not killing us, it makes us unproductive in our homes and communities because we do not have the endurance , stamina or mobility to take care of our family, neighbors or ourselves. We can't breathe, we can't see, we can't walk, but the grenade thrown in our area that has render us helpless, doesn't come as a explosive weapon, but in Diabetes, high blood pressure and obesity, that gave us heart failure, blindness and amputations.  The difference between this war and others is we can't blame others for our loss, we have surrender to the hands of the enemy, the murderer and rapist , they are known as drugs, alcohol and tobacco.

see complete article http://noellicenter.blogspot.com/2009/10/harlem-is-army-bed-stuy-navy-we-must-be.html 



Riverside wrote

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This is very interesting, noell77. "We need our strongest communities to tackle this war called disease just like all other war beforehand, we need community programs, advocacy and education."

I absolutely agree with you. We need to stand up for our rights, as a community, and demand that we not only have equal programming but also equal access: to healthy, fresh foods; to quality medical care; to a clean environment.

It shouldn't be totally up to us to have to 'choose' a farmer's market over a bodega, when there are 8 bodegas in a 2-block radius, and the nearest farmer's market is a busride away. **We need to be given an equal opportunity to make the right (healthier) choices by having the right (healthier) choices be AVAILABLE and AFFORDABLE.**

...If we can buy a Big Mac for a dollar which will fill us up or an Apple for a dollar which will leave us hungry, how can we be expected to choose the healthier option?

More of us need to stand up for this right like Emma Jackson did and demand access to healthier foods!