Are you still struggling with your weight?
Is your doctor increasing your medications?
Is your blood pressure out of control?
Are you pre-diabetic?
Are you diabetic?
Is your cholesterol and triglycerides too high?
Are you suffering from Fatty liver disease?
Would you like to be slimmer and healtier?
Take a quantum leap in your commitment to health and get healthy naturally in 2025! Join the Healthbuzz every Thursday from 6pm to 7pm and learn about our upcoming 12 weeks weight management course starting January 7th. Our course is based on the glycemic index of foods with the incorporation of balanced and sustainable meals that you can maintain for life. This is a life changing, body reconditioning, health revolution you don't want to miss! Hurry, class sizes are small. Contact the Healthbuzz at 800-475-2144 or e mail us at to register for our free Thursday night information session in Harlem.
Joj04 November 15, 2025 - 10:41am
That sounds like great support for New Year's Resolutions to be healthier (whichever part of health you choose). Where are the Thursday sessions in Harlem?