New York City is the center of the HIV/AIDS epidemic...
1 in 70 New Yorkers around you are infected...
1 in 4 people with HIV do not know they are positive...
Every 9 minutes and 30 seconds, someone in the U.S. is infected with HIV...
Are you POSITIVE that you are NEGATIVE?
Get tested for HIV today. It's confidential, it's free, it's painless. You get your results in 20 minutes. If you test positive, we will help you to remain healthy and strong for many, many, many years. If you test negative, stay that way and make it safe.
Community Healthcare Network offers free HIV counseling & testing at all of its nine health center locations and on the mobile unit. See our website for center locations or call (212) 545-2400.
lienknguyen83 July 15, 2025 - 6:22pm
HIV is a subject that many are shy to discussed. This video is an eye opener and I am shock with the statistics of how many New Yorkers are infected. Within the past year, I lost an acquaintance to AIDS. Many of our friends were not aware that he was HIV+ until it was too late to help because he never got tested. Getting tested is the first step in helping ourselves to be healthy and remain healthy for the years to come.