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What is healthcare reform and why do we need it?

Video posted by Publisher in Health Info on June 15, 2025 - 11:44am
Key words: Health Info, Health Care, Health Care Reform, Healthcare.

One of the hottest topics in the news today is healthcare reform. This simple video explains through paper cutouts why we need to reform our healthcare system in the United States, and what the options are for this change.

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cesar wrote

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What a wonderful video! It was a quick and dirty introduction to the issue and the different proposals being thrown into the ring.

sak2109 wrote

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this is indeed a great video. Very simple and easy primer!
lets see what happens in the end. In my view, all major stakeholders will have to take up some concession and responsibility for this to work. some things that need to be addressed

1. reducing malpractice suits
2. a public health plan that competes with private plans but it limited to providing basic primary care and hospital based care
3. making patients pay a small deductible
4. let employers contribute a smaller sum (lesser than what they have to now) towards the public health plan or any private plan that their employee wants to enroll in
5. continue private insurance so that patients who want greater services and benefits than what a basic plan can get, can pay for it and get it (it healthcare is a commodity then we cant have one size fits all and have to provide options)
6. Crack down on the food industry - telling patients to eat healthy is NOT going to be successful unless there is regulation on what the food industry sells and how much they can advertise. Most of the food we currently eat is engineered (pesticides in farm produce, antibiotics and poultry etc) and has side effects on the health

Coll5 wrote

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I really enjoyed this video. I'm definitely going to share it with my friends who don't understand health care reform!

zoester wrote

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What a great video -it really broke down and explained a complex issue in a sort and clear war. And I really like how it talked about the lack of preventative health care in the American system which many people leave out when discussing health care reform. We all could take better care of our health and I am really impressed with what the Obama Administration is doing now I hope a lot of useful health care reform is passed- Soon!

Sony497 wrote

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Great video post. It was really informative and creative as well, kept my attention and gave me good information as to the healthcare reform