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  • Did you know...there is a way to measure how much energy you use in your home?

    Ever wondered how much energy your refrigerator used, or how much energy you light bulbs use when you leave then on all day while you are at work? A device called a "smart meter" is measuring just that.A "smart meter" is a device that measures the amount of energy your house is using and shows you the information in real time. While there are about 40 million smart meters operating around the world, many of the meters do not show the information they collect to the consumer. Google is working to develop what they call Google PowerMeter, which will be a smart meter that will allow users to see their energy consumption in or near real-time. This will allow consumers to see the energy they consume, and will likely help people manage their daily energy intake and cut down on their energy consumption and bills.

    Check this site out to learn more about the Google PowerMeter.

    Did you know? is a series of health articles written by HHPC and approved by our Health Advisory Board.


    Can't wait til these are in every home! I bet if I knew how much energy everything in my apartment used, I could then figure out some creative to cut down on my energy use and electricity bills. Anyone have any good suggestions on how to save energy?
    Here's some tips from me: Run the dishwasher (if you're lucky enough to have a dishwasher) only when it's full. Put fans/air conditioners on lower, energy saving settings at night when you go to sleep Turn off lights when you're not in the room (even when you're going back in a little while) Turn off the faucet when you're washing your face, brushing your teeth and washing dishes. Just have water running when you are actually rinsing.

    This is a brilliant idea. Sometimes we don’t know the amount of energy we are using or wasting until we see it written out on a device. The “smart meter” or “PowerMeter” would be a great marker to clearly see how much energy we are using in our homes. This idea is similar to a phone bill. You might not think you’re talking much, or wasting phone minutes, but the phone bill tells the true story. Paying a lot of money for over-using phone minutes is similar to over-using electricity. By having this meter to measure the amount of energy we are using, it can help us cut back. I personally would benefit from a smart meter. I sometimes forget to turn off the lights before going to bed and if there’s a meter to track my daily energy use, I would more likely to change my habit the next day. I like the post above by Lanaflava: If we are more aware of our energy consumption, we can modify our habits by turning off the lights when we’re not in the room or put the fans/ air conditioner on low when we go to sleep.

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