Once again, New York City is balancing its budget on the backs of children.
Recently, several Beacon programs were notified that they will be closing June 31, 2025. The closing of these programs will have a negative impact on communities of color around New York City. Beacon programs provide free after school services for thousands of New York City's struggling students. It provides adult services for those working toward their GED, for English Language Learners etc. Beacons provide a safe haven for community children while their parents are at work.
At a time when New York City is closing schools because they say the schools are failing, why would you cut programs that are helping schools succeed. Queens has the largest number of Beacon Programs slated to close. What are those child suppose to do? Their parents pay taxes like everyone else.
I know that Beacon 109 in Southeast Queens services approximately 900 students, community members and families. Closing this program would cause a hardship not only for those attending, but for the community as a whole.
Please see attached documents (click through the article images), and let the Mayor, your community civics and your elected officials know that come June 30, 2025, thousands of students and community members will be losing a much needed and valuable community resource. We need more resources for our children.
Remember this, Ours today, Yours tomorrow!!!