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My indoor garden update

Blog entry posted by cesar in Environment on March 26, 2025 - 2:45pm
Key words: Environment, Food, Tomatoes, Indoor Garden, Growing Vegetables.

I just wanted to upload some pictures from my indoor garden. It's been very slow. I didn't know how long it would take to get these seeds going! I also ended up with a lot of dead plants. The scallions and spinach are pretty much goners.

The tomato plants are growing 'true' leaves, the ones that look like real plant leaves.



are these tomato stems too long?are these tomato stems too long?







 tomato closeup 03.25.10tomato closeup 03.25.10tomatoes 03.25.10tomatoes 03.25.10






The salad is coming along...


salad after about a week and a halfsalad after about a week and a half









 mesclun salad 03.25.10mesclun salad 03.25.10






And the herbs too...


top view of all seedlings 3/4/10top view of all seedlings 3/4/10









windowsill herbs 03.25.10windowsill herbs 03.25.10








It's been a little over a month. I guess I should be patient. I hope the tomato plants and salad survive. I will have to try again with the spinach and scallions.








StreetSquash wrote

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Hi Cesar,

I love the idea of an indoor garden! StreetSquash is putting together a health fair, and I would love for you to lead some participants in starting off their own gardens.

Please email me at jade@streetsquash.org to further discuss.


Sony497 wrote

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Wow growing good! Wish I had the extra time to grow some food. It would save some money and is healthy, goodluck with the garden