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Where's the "Health Bucks" for exercise programs?

Blog entry posted by nbruning 6 weeks ago
Key words: Fitness, Cardiovascular Disease, Exercise Programs, Diabetes Prevention, How To Lose Weight.

I was thrilled to hear that the NYC Health Department District Public Health Offices are distributing Health Bucks worth $2 each, which people can use to buy food at Farmers markets. Now, we need the other half of the equation to be either promoted or subsidized too. There are many free exercise programs and classes in the same districts that have health offices.  Let's see more effort to promote those, or to issue $2 health bucks to offset the cost of classes that require a fee. 



DrumsC wrote

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What an interesting idea, nbruning. People definitely need to eat good foods AND exercise to stay healthy. Now, how can the health department be pushed in this direction in terms of paying for a portion of exercise classes?

nbruning wrote

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Let's start a write-in/call-in campaign prodding the DOH to think about it.

Riverside wrote

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Sounds like a great idea! How do we start something like that??

nbruning wrote

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Start writing, emailing, phoning our local government representatives and the health department. Are you a member of a group that would like to take this on?

kalayan wrote

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you exercise doesn't mean you are physically fit. Do you consider Sumo wrestler physically fit too. Good grief.

nbruning wrote

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You are so right! There's more to health and fitness than exercise.