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Cooling Centers in NYC for those hot summer days


Coll5 wrote

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The National Weather Service has announced a HEAT ADVISORY from Monday, Aug. 17 to Tuesday Aug. 18 at 7PM. Temperatures will remain in the 90s so it's important to stay cool. Be sure to visit a cooling center near you, especially if you don't have air conditioning!

Some other tips to stay cool are:

* If you don't have an air conditioner, go to a public school, air-conditioned store, mall, movie theater, or library during the hottest part of the day.
* Drink fluids, especially water, even if you don't feel thirsty. Avoid beverages containing alcohol, caffeine, or high amounts of sugar.
* Cool baths or showers may help, but avoid extreme temperature changes from very hot to very cold because they can lead to nausea or dizziness.
* Check on your neighbors, family, and friends, especially if they are seniors, young children, or people with special needs, to make sure they are okay during the heat wave.