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"CAARE Cards" Send Someone You Love a Nudge to Get a Health Check-Up!

Article posted by Dr. Alwyn Cohall 49 weeks ago

Concerned about someone special in your life? Worried that they might not be taking care of themselves? Not sure about how to tell them you care? Unclear about where they can go to get help?

The Harlem Health Promotion Center, in collaboration with the Healthy Monday Campaigns, is pleased to announce the release of a new service that can help you and your loved ones.

"CAARE" (Connecting Adolescents and Adults to Resources Electronically") Cards are electronic greeting cards that tell the important people in your life that you are concerned about their health (www.CAAREcards.com) They provide information to your loved ones about web and community resources where they can get information and support.

In association with the New York Daily News, and just in time for Father's Day, our first set of CAARE cards will encourage the men in your life to get important screening tests for prostate cancer. Other cards will promote get checked for diabetes, high blood pressure, and elevated cholesterol, while reducing their risk for heart disease by quitting smoking.

The cards allow you to send personalized greetings along with the main message, and also to customize the color and background of the card itself.

Over the next few months, we will be developing CAARE cards on a range of other topics for a variety of consumers, but this Monday why not take a CAARE card out for a test ride and send one (or more!)to the men in your life?

That gentle nudge may point them in the right direction towards better health.

If you have comments or suggestions, please contact Dr. Cohall, Director of the Harlem Health Promotion Center, atc1@columbia.edu