HHPC's Dr. Alwyn Cohall shares his opinions about obesity in the New York Times
In addressing the question: "What sorts of public initiatives can promote good eating habits without possibly resulting in discrimination against overweight people?" for the Room for Debate Op-Ed section of the New York Times, Dr. Alwyn Cohall, who directs the Harlem Health Promotion Center and has been the force behind the GetHealthyHarlem.org website, shares his opinions on this issue.
"Public health interventions that address the real reasons why people gain weight and suffer from chronic diseases, he says, "will not ostracize or discriminate because they are not focused on the surface level symptoms, but rather on the more profound reasons why they occur." Read more at: http://roomfordebate.blogs.nytimes.com/2010/03/25/better-ways-to-help-the-public-lose-weight/#alwyn
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Posted 46 weeks ago
sak2109 wrote
Flag as inappropriateway to go HHPC, GethHealthyHarlem and Dr. Cohall!