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Did you know that kidney disease may also be prevented?

Blog entry posted by The Health Buzz 4 days ago

Preventive measures tend to focus on obesity, heart health, diabetes, high blood pressure, asthma, etc..and not much on Kidney health. The National Kidney foundation reports 4.5 million Americans are diagnosed with kidney disease. What many may not know is that Diabetes and High blood pressure are the most common reasons for kidney damage and failure. So using preventive measures to prevent diabetes and high blood pressure will in effect protect your kidneys. Damage to the kidneys eventually leads to dialysis treatment or kidney transplant. Sensible measures can be taken to protect your kidneys such as; reducing table salt consumption, processed foods, fatty foods, high glycemic foods; drinking lots of water and getting moderate exercise. These measures will help you moderate your weight, high blood pressure and prevent diabetes and heart disease which may lead to poor kidney health.

See article: http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/742119?sssdmh=dm1.685261&src=nldne