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The Health Buzz's blog


Can your cellphone be causing you to develop cancer of the brain?

Blog entry posted by The Health Buzz 1 week ago

There has been a lot of controversy as to the safety of cellular phones and the amount of radiofrequency radiation emitted from them. Nevertheless, the use of cellphones continue to rise.


Did you know that eating steamed or broiled dark fish help reduce your risk for Heart Failure?

Blog entry posted by The Health Buzz 1 week ago

A 10 year study of 84,493 post-menopausal women reveal that those who frequently ate steamed or broiled dark fish such as salmom, mackerel or bluefish had a a 30% lower risk of developing heart failure. On the other hand, those who ate fried fish once a week had a 50% higher risk of incident of heart failure.


Can Resveratrol help blood glucose levels?

Blog entry posted by The Health Buzz 2 weeks ago

Resveratrol, is a polyphenol with anti-oxidant properties, and is mostly found in the skin of red grapes. It has many reported health benefits such as; preventing and promoting cell death (apoptosis) of cancer cells, reducing inflammation which helps combat heart disease, preventing biuldup of plaque associated with Alzheimer's disease, and preventing insulin resistance.


Did you know that a lack of sleep can be the reason you can't loose weight?

Blog entry posted by The Health Buzz 2 weeks ago

We all heard that the longer you stay up at night, the more you may be eating which may contribute to your weight challenge. However, lack of sleep may play an important factor in your weight gain along with the late night snacking. A study conducted in 2025 in Sao Paulo, Brazil shows that, adding hours and depth to your sleep results in weight loss.


Did you know that smoking one pack of cigarettes per day raises your risk for Prostate Cancer?

Blog entry posted by The Health Buzz 3 weeks ago

We all know that nicotine is very addictive and some people cannot quite quit the smoking habit. If you, or a loved one is looking for another reason to quit smoking, you may want to consider the results of this recent study. The study shows that there exists a link between the severity of prostate cancer and smoking.


Did you know that even a little exercise may protect you from Colon polyps?

Blog entry posted by The Health Buzz 4 weeks ago

A  polyp is a growth found in a mucuous membrane that may become cancerous. The commom way to screen for colon cancer is to look for polyps in the colon using several testing techniques. The American Cancer Society posts on its website the 5 myths that are connected to Colon cancer which must be diffused. They are as follows;


Did you know that kidney disease may also be prevented?

Blog entry posted by The Health Buzz 4 weeks ago

Preventive measures tend to focus on obesity, heart health, diabetes, high blood pressure, asthma, etc..and not much on Kidney health. The National Kidney foundation reports 4.5 million Americans are diagnosed with kidney disease. What many may not know is that Diabetes and High blood pressure are the most common reasons for kidney damage and failure.


Are you getting the heart health benefits from eating Tilapia?

Blog entry posted by The Health Buzz 5 weeks ago

We are often told to eat foods that are rich in Omega 3 such as fish and nuts to improve our heart health and cognitive health. But most times, we do not know for sure how the different foods compare in their levels of the essential Omega 3 fatty acids.


Does breastfeeding improve your baby's health?

Blog entry posted by The Health Buzz 5 weeks ago

Did you know that you can improve your baby's metabolism by breastfeeding? Breastfeeding has been shown to improve a baby's blood pressure, prevent them from diseases such as asthma, high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity etc... The other gain is the bond created between mom and her baby.


Did you know that a mother's diet during pregnancy can greatly contribute to her child's obesity?

Blog entry posted by The Health Buzz 5 weeks ago

An international study published in the journal Diabetes points out that a mom's poor diet during pregnancy may alter the child's DNA and turn on a "fat switch" which leads to a greater chance of the child becoming obese at 6 or 9 years old. As stated by Prof.