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Radio show: "The Refrigerator is not the Answer for Overwhelming Emotions."

Blog entry posted by nbruning in Health Info on December 2, 2025 - 12:35pm
Key words: Health Info, Weight Loss, Emotional Overeating.

I think you'll be interested in this week's internet radio, especially if you have been told you are "too sensitive." Do you often feel overwhelmed and turn to food for comfort? How would you like to find other, healthier, less fattening ways to cope?  Certified hypnotist and therapist Ane Weed  helps highly sensitive people address ALL the things holding them back from having a healthy body so they can be free to be healthy for good. Ane and I have collaborated to provide a 12-week group with a highly sensitive mind-body approach to achieving your ideal weight. To see more about Ane, go to her website and blog: www.aneweed.com and www.sensitiveandthriving.com


I'll be interviewing the amazing Ane Weed on my internet"Nancercize BlogTalkRadio Show" Thursday December 3, 10 AM Eastern Time. The show is called "The Refrigerator is not the Answer for Overwhelming Emotions."


We’ll be talking about how highly sensitive people are particularly vulnerable to emotional overwhelm and how this leads to putting on the pounds. Ane's specialty is in helping Highly Sensitive People to live a healthy lifestyle and manage their weight.  She will be explaining how you can use your sensitivity to slim down instead of put on the pounds.  Even if you're not "highly sensitive" --and this show will help you find out if you are--the refrigerator is not the answer for you, either! So tune in and hear some slimming nuggets from Ane.


Listen to the show live at 10 AM, or as a recording later:




To call in at any point during the show: 1-347-324-3322.


The show will be recorded and available to listen to at your convenience soon


after at: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/nancercize/2009/12/03/Nancercize

 Please listen and leave your comments! We'd love to hear from you.