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Happy Meals without Toys??

Blog entry posted by Riverside in Food 9 weeks ago
Key words: Food, Toys, Fast Food, Bans, Happy Meals.

Yesterday I heard that a county in Northern California (Santa Clara County) voted to ban toys in children's meals for any meal that is "unnutritional."  Say goodbye to the days of Barbie and HotWheels and Beanie Babies and Dora The Explorer and whatever toy goes along with the current Disney movie that's being promoted to be enjoyed along side your kid's hamburger, french fries and soda...

In Santa Clara County unhealthy kids' meals will be toy-less beginning this summer.

I think it's an interesting experiment.  Will the kids be motivated to get the healthier meal options if those are the ones that come with toys?  If so, will the kids eat it?  Just because this law would encourage kids to PURCHASE healthier foods based on the reward they're getting (toys), doesn't necessarily mean it will encourage them to actually EAT the healthier food.  As a former bratty kid myself, I know that I probably would bugged my parents to get me BOTH the healthy meal (for the toy) and the unhealthy meal (for the TASTE!).  Nothing beats a greasy McDonalds hamburger, afterall!

I think it's a good step in the right direction - it stops giving kids an extra motive to eat unhealthy foods at fast food places.  Fast food places have started making healthier meal options in the last few years so it will just encourage kids to try those and who knows?  Maybe they'll like them!

I think the rest of the country should take a cue from Santa Clara and start promoting healthy options from an early age... but will it actually work in getting kids to eat healthier? Who knows!  What I do know is that it will probably encourage fast food chains like McDonalds, Burger King and Wendys to start improving the nutritional value of their food (making it healthier), at least for their Santa Clara locations, so they can continue to sell kids the good tasting hamburgers along with a toy!

What do you think?



kongfuzi wrote

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I think its worth a shot, but Happy Meals will sell regardless of the toy. I mean as a kid when I got a Happy Meal I was all about the delicious McDonald's fries. The toy? ...what toy? It was always cheap and broke the same day anyway. If you want real change make the food you already serve and is world renowned more healthy and yes, include the toy.


pharmd2b13 wrote

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Great idea, lets see if the toys are the main factor for kids getting Happy Meals. As a child, the toys were definetly the main reason for me! Sad but true, kids need to start eating healthier.