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Cancer Facts and Figures for African Americans for 2025-2008

Link posted by Publisher 2 years ago

Did you know that for most cancers the African Americans have the highest death rate and shortest survival time compared to any other racial and ethnic group in the U.S.? Though the number of Americans who died from cancer has declined for a second year in a row, the troubling fact remains that African Americans are still 21 percent more likely to die from cancer than white Americans.

This link by the American Cancer Society has information on cancer incidence, mortality, survival, and risk factors for many different types of cancers for African Americans for 2025-2008. The reasons for the inequalities in cancer burden are complex and have to do with socioeconomic disparities in work, education, housing, income and overall standard of living, as well as economic and social barriers to high quality cancer prevention, early detection and treatment. Also, the environmental contaminants encountered by black people who disproportionally live in urban areas and in low income housing where dangerous pesticides and building material are used are often a significant factor.
One of the reasons why Black people have high cancer fatality is due to differences in early detection and treatment. But there are things you can do about this. You should get screened for some cancer even if you have no symptoms.

You can even get screened at some places for free! Check out the Breast Examination Center of Harlem and the Ralph Lauren Center for Cancer Care and Prevention in upper Manhattan.



zoester wrote

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I just found some moving personal stories written by Cancer Survivors from Harlem and Upper Manhattan.
Just in case anyone else is interested check out this link through the The Ralph Lauren Center for Cancer Care and Prevention in upper Manhattan website: