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Ideas for grazing on if you don't feel like eating after an operation.

Article posted by matthopkinson 1 year ago

If you dont feel like eating three big meals a day try snacking on frequent small amounts throughout the day. Couple this with a drink of water and you will be getting the requirements you need to recover. Here are some suggestions of healthy snacks.

Cut up fresh fruit,

Cut up vegetables. Add some dip to jazz it up,


Cheese and crackers,

Mug of Soup,

Fruit Jelly,


Bowl of Cereal,

Museli with Yoghurt,

Celery with Peanut Butter or Philly Cheese,

Small Baked Potato,

Baked Beans on Toast,


Wholemeal Scone,

Bran Muffins (see recipe),






cesar wrote

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I actually ate a lot of these while I was recovering from my hip replacement. I found cheese and crackers a tasty treat and I ate a lot of sandwiches.

Laura wrote

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Matthopkinson, What should I put on my baked potato if I want it to be healthy but don't want it to be plain? (Butter, sour cream, cheddar cheese, bacon, all make it less healthy)

matthopkinson wrote

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I like corn, spring onions and low fat cheese. How about black beans, chilli and greek yoghurt.Anything in moderation is OK I believe, you can only be so healthy, it has to taste good right.