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Blog entry posted by matthopkinson 36 weeks ago

“Dear Granny and Grandpa,

Thank you very much for my Birthday present….”

A thing of the past – unless it can be twittered, texted or left randomly to be found on Facebook, these days it just doesn’t happen.

A new website for Families is being launched in the USA, Australia, Canada and UK – and what is remarkable is that it is British! It is easy to use, safe and connects all ages in your family, whatever technology they use .....


You keep your friends on Facebook,

Your colleagues on Linked In,

So where do you keep your Family       (ALL your family!)


FINERDAY was created so that Grandchildren can SHARE THEIR LIVES with their Grandparents SAFELY AND SIMPLY. And so can we .....

Crystal clear design and bright buttons make Finerday look as cool to a fourteen year old on an i-touch as it is intuitive to use for an eighty-six year old.

…child’s play for grandparents


Easy to use for grandparents, safe for younger grandchildren, the site www.finerday.com  has just been released, but has already attracted thousands of people to sign up.

The new MEMORIES feature is a very important and unique addition. It allows anyone to write and share memories in either a story format, a story with photos, or a photo album with descriptions. Also family and/or friends can easily add their comments and photos too.

It will allow you to create, share and save stories on just about anything, from hop picking in the war years, to a family reunion weekend, to my school day memories...

This will also significantly help dementia sufferers as an important "memories box" for people suffering with earlier and mid stage symptoms.


“Why can’t everyone enjoy what we take for granted online?”


Finerday.com is a safe, easy to use online communications platform designed to be intuative and stimulating for older people (grandparents) and safe and fun for younger children (grandchildren). It shares messages, photos, memories, special dates, weblinks and more - and will shortly include live video. Finerday connects all generations. It also integrates with the "rest of us" whether we live on Facebook or Hotmail, and can work on any hardware: PC, touchscreen, set-top box or mobile. It has been written in lasted .Net technology in partnership with Microsoft - and it is free. 


Grandchildren and Grandparents: 



BBC Review (in earlier development phase): 



Finerday will be able to help encourage people in this very special intergeneration space. It will also support care homes, carers and care in the community. It can significantly contribute to people suffering from early and mid stage dementia. Helping to keep them at home and independent longer.

The Team also see Finerday.com delivering multi-million pounds worth of healthcare savings a year, and are already in talks with several major healthcare providers.