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Department of Health and the war against salt

Blog entry posted by cesar 1 year ago

First trans fat, then calories, now salt! The NYC Department of Health is trying to get restaurants and companies who package foods to reduce the salt in their products. Yes!

I think this is a great idea. I know people think that government is trying to 'run our lives', but the fact of the matter is, we've gone out of control. Look at how obese we are! Look at how many younger people have high blood pressure these days! Our parents and grandparents did NOT eat the way we eat now. 

I say, yes, reduce the salt at the restaurants and in the pre-packaged food. If I want more salt, I'll add it myself. There have been so many times where I've eaten at a restaurant or gone out for fast food and didn't finish what I had because it was too salty. I'm not saying don't flavour the food but...here's an example: at McD's, the fries come out, someone salts it, then two minutes later, someone else salts the same batch. By the time you get to the counter to order, that same batch has 2 pounds of salt that you now have to shake, wipe or scrape off just so you can taste the fry.

Here is the press release from the Department of Health


Article from the Daily News
