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Why You Should Tell Your Doctor What Natural Supplements You Take

Blog entry posted by Cocerned_Rx_Student 2 days ago

Over the years prescription drugs have gained somewhat of a bad rap.  We watch commercials that tell us that a new drug is supposed to treat one condition but may come with a group a “side-effects”.  For this reason and others,  many people choose to purchase over the counter herbs and supplements to treat themselves. However it can be dangerous not to report what supplements you are taking to your doctor.  This is especially true if you are already taking prescription medication.

Many tend to think of natural supplements and herbs as “coming from nature”, therefore, they can’t  have any bad side effects.  The truth is these supplements should be treated like any other drug.  There can be dangerous consequences to taking more than what is directed on the bottle.  Also some natural supplements can actually interfere with prescription medication you may already be taking

For Example:

1.        St. John’s Wort, can interfere with how well a person’s prescription depression medication works, and can even increase the chances of a dangerous side effects occurring.

1.       Taking a Garlic supplement while taking blood thinning drugs can be dangerous as well, in that it may increase the chances of bleeding in the stomach.

So, remember natural herbs and supplements can have great effects on your health, but can cause some unwanted effects too especially if you already take prescription medication. Whether or not your doctor asks, be sure to report what over the counter supplements you take.  You do not have to be shy or embarrassed.  Even if you take a daily multi-vitamin make sure you mention it. 





cnlewis1 wrote

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What are the potential side effects, if any, of taking birth controls and vitamins for hair, skin, and nails?

The Health Buzz wrote

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I have heard of women developing clots from taking birth control pills. As for the vitamins interaction with birth control pills, this should not pose an issue. Be sure to read labels for both your prescriptions and supplements. To be safe, always alert your health care practitioner/doctor of all of the medicines and supplements you are taking.