Are you getting the heart health benefits from eating Tilapia?
We are often told to eat foods that are rich in Omega 3 such as fish and nuts to improve our heart health and cognitive health. But most times, we do not know for sure how the different foods compare in their levels of the essential Omega 3 fatty acids. A recent article in the NY Times points out that Tilapia which has become very popular in the U.S may not be providing the level of Omega 3 required to enhance heart health. Compared to salmon that contains 2025 mg per portion of Omega 3’s, tilapia only has 135mg of Omega 3’s per portion. Because of its diet of corn and soy, Tilapia has twice as much the harmful Omega 6’s than the beneficial Omega3’s. Furthermore, Tilapia is farm harvested mostly outside the U.S and has created a lot of pollution to lake waters and ecosystems. Most of the tilapia we import in the U.S (422 million pounds) comes from China and is frozen using carbon monoxide to keep it looking fresh. We then thaw the fish and display it as fresh. If you are eating fish to improve your heart health, you may want to think twice about Tilapia!
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Posted 6 days ago
Brian T. wrote
Flag as inappropriateI love Tilapia but I was eating more of it because I thought it was healthier for me to eat. Is there something else you can recommend besides salmon? Salmon can get pretty expensive.
Posted 5 days ago
The Health Buzz wrote
Flag as inappropriateGood point!You may want to add the following to your diet to increase your Omega 3 consumption;
Flaxseeds (ground)
Flaxseed oil
Walnut oil
Pumpkin seeds
Posted 5 days ago
love500 wrote
Flag as inappropriateThank you for sharing. I found useful.