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Can your cellphone be causing you to develop cancer of the brain?

Blog entry posted by The Health Buzz 3 weeks ago

There has been a lot of controversy as to the safety of cellular phones and the amount of radiofrequency radiation emitted from them. Nevertheless, the use of cellphones continue to rise. There are an estimated 5 billion cellphone users worldwide. It is not certain that cellphones are indeed dangerous and most manufacturers claim to have tested their phones and state that they emitt lower levels of radiation than permitted. The U.S Food and Drug Administration reports that no studies to date have demonstrated a significant adverse health effect from exposure to radiofrequency radiation. However, in a recent article, the author states that currently in the U.S, 10,000 to 12,000 people develop glioma (brain cancer) each year which will double after ten years of cell phone usage.

What can you do to reduce your exposure to radiation? You can purchase an earpiece, or purchase an inexpensive radar shield, and limit your usage of cellphones.

Any other ideas?



Aliena Dabhi wrote

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This is very interesting to know that cellphone use can cause brain cancer and i do believe that the use of cellphone should be limited specially for teenagers

starobin1977 wrote

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Although many studies support that cell phone do not cause anything, I think just recent study suggested that cell phone can cause something , but not as much as people thought of before. I don't think anyone can clearly say for sure, because waves are hard to study, they are radio waves and not radiation waves such as UV for example. So let's see in the future how it goes.