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Learning about CSAs

Blog entry posted by Riverside in Food 1 week ago
Key words: Food, Csa, Csas, Community Supported Agriculture.

I was at the Nourshing Kitchen's Earth Day event yesterday at the Target Community Garden on E 117th Street and I met someone from the Kitchen Table/Project Harmony "CSA."  I wasn't exactly sure what a CSA was but I knew it sounded familiar.  She explained to me that in a CSA, you can buy a portion (what they call a "share") of a farmer's crops at the beginning of the season (usually in late winter/early spring) and then each week you pick up whatever was picked on their farm that week.


So basically, it's like paying for your fruits and vegetables (and sometimes herbs and spices!) at the beginning of the year instead of paying each time you go to the grocery store.  You also know that the food you're eating is really FRESH since it was just picked!! They even accept food stamps!


I'm not sure how I feel about it- it might be tough for me to pay all that money at once, and I'm not sure that I can eat all that food!  If I had a roommate, friend or family who would share it with me it might be a little more realistic, but it sounds like a REALLY cool idea.


Anyway, if you are interested she told me that they're still accepting "members." The contact info she gave me is: info@kitchentablenyc.org; and the two locations are at Papo's Garden on E 119th Street (btwn 2nd and 3rd) and Joseph Daniel Wilson Memorial Garden on W 122nd St (btwn 7th and 8th).  The time that you can go to pick up your fresh fruits and veggies is every Thursday between 5 and 7pm.



Publisher wrote

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You can learn more about CSAs by reading GetHealthyHarlem.org's Harlem Word series with Paula Lukats. Here's an article where she explains what a CSA is: http://gethealthyharlem.org/articles/harlem-word-paula-lukats-talks-...

Riverside wrote

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Thanks, That was really helpful! I'll have to think about joining one next year!