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Yoga Demonstration by BKS Iyengar - Stills from "Yoga: The Ultimate Freedom"

Blog entry posted by Stayin Fit in Fitness on July 28, 2025 - 1:56pm
Key words: Fitness, Yoga, Video, Ultimate Freedom, Iyengar Yoga, Demonstration, Bks Iyengar.

              Screening of "The Ultimate Freedom". Yoga Demonstration by BKS IyengarScreening of "The Ultimate Freedom". Yoga Demonstration by BKS Iyengar

A few days ago the Iyengar Yoga Institute of New York held a special screening of a video tape recorded in 1976. This black and white recording, titled "Yoga: The Ultimate Freedom", showcases the worlds foremost yoga expert, BKS Iyengar demonstrating a variety of yoga poses.  The video was shot in 1976 and is considered the best recording of this great yoga teacher.

Note, Mr. Iyengar (affectionately called Guruji by his students) was 58 years old then! He is almost 90 now and still practices hours of yoga in his home/yoga institute in Pune, India.  As you can see in the pictures below, these are very advanced and technical difficult yoga poses that require years of dedicated practice.  

BKS Iyengar Holding a Yoga PoseBKS Iyengar Holding a Yoga Pose 

Demonstrating the Lightness of the BodyDemonstrating the Lightness of the Body

Floating in the AirFloating in the Air 

But as Mr. Iyengar himself goes on to say in the video and elsewhere, yoga can lead to the Ultimate Freedom of  the body, mind and spirit. He also emphasizes that even though the poses may look tough, if you start and view yoga as a life long journey then the poses will begin to flow. Mr, Iyengar himself is a living example of such a transformation - when he started practicing yoga at the age of 15 he could barely bend down enough to reach his knees as he suffered from Tuberculosis which greater limited this spinal movements!


Intense Stretch of the SpineIntense Stretch of the Spine 


The Head Stand Yoga PoseThe Head Stand Yoga Pose 

I have been practicing yoga for 15 months now and attend a weekly class of 90 mins. The class goes through a series of poses with intense stretching and focusing of the mind that makes one realize one's own body. And yes, with each class the body begins to open up and the stiff joints and muscles begin to loosen up. The relaxation and lightness that one feels after each class can only be experienced.


Hope you consider embarking on this lifelong journey of discovery, freedom and joy!





sak2109 wrote

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awesome pictures. the iyengar institute in nyc is pretty good - check out some pictures of the yogathon organized by the institute in june.

Coll5 wrote

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This is really interesting. I haven't done yoga at all this summer, but I can't wait to start up again in the fall when I have more time. Thanks for sharing!

marcusjborg wrote

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Yoga is a science that has been practiced for thousands of years. It is consists of Ancient Theories, observations and principles about the mind and body connection which is now being proven by modern medicine. Substantial research has been conducted to look at the Health Benefits of Yoga

Physiological Benefits of Yoga

* Stable autonomic nervous system equilibrium
* Pulse rate decreases
* Respiratory rate decreases
* Blood Pressure decreases (of special significance for hyporeactors)
* Galvanic Skin Response (GSR) increases
* EEG - alpha waves increase (theta, delta, and beta waves also increase during various stages of meditation)
* EMG activity decreases

sak2109 wrote

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yes yoga has several benefits. research has been done but more studies are needed to defend that it works (i dont doubt it) so that it can be prescribed in routine clinical practice.

Emma Delia wrote

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Great pictures and information!