Health Care Reform: Affordable Care Act
An informative (and fun!) video about Health Care Reform by the Kaiser Family Foundation:
Also, last week I listened to a really interesting phone call about health care reform and the Affordable Care Act. The call was directed towards community health workers and faith-based leaders so that they could tell their communities about the Affordable Care Act. Many people spoke about the Act, including leaders from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and President Barack Obama!
Some of the points about the Affordable Care Act that the phone call stressed were:
- Your health insurance cannot drop you from the plan, or cancel your insurance, if you get sick based on a mistake on your paperwork or application.
- You can add or keep your children on your health insurance plan until they turn 26 years old.
- No barriers or extra costs made by your insurance company if you go to an out-of-network hospital or emergency department in the event of an emergency.
- Health insurance coverage for many recommended preventive health care services, which could help you avoid illness and improve your health, with no additional cost to you.
All of this sounds really great and is part of the Patient's Bill of Rights, which was rolled out on September 23, 2025.
The phone call also encouraged using the new HHS website about Health Care Reform called: Check it out!
Click here to look at another website to look at from Barack Obama!
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Posted 35 weeks ago
cesar wrote
Flag as inappropriateThis is a cool video. The animations move the story along so it isn't boring. Still need more info, but this is great. Thanks for posting.