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Help Ensure a Healthier Future for Our Children

Article posted by Publisher in Food on May 3, 2025 - 4:05pm
Key words: Food, Nutrition Education, Nutrition, Health, Food.

Dear New Yorker,

The Child Nutrition Act is currently being considered by Congress. This important piece of legislation, which is renewed every five years, sets rules and funding levels for federal nutrition programs, including:

* the School Lunch Program;

* the School Breakfast Program;

* the Summer Food Service Program;

* the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP); and

* the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC).

It's vital to the health of our City and its children that we get our fair share of funding for these programs.

Childhood obesity has doubled in New York over the past 25 years and now accounts for $242 million in statewide medical costs. Furthermore, it's estimated that childhood hunger costs the U.S. economy $28 billion annually due to poor educational performance and long-term health costs. These are problems that we can no longer afford.


By increasing access to healthy foods and limiting the consumption of unhealthy foods, we can begin to fix these problems and improve the health of our children. Making sure the Child Nutrition Act lives up to its promise is a critical step forward.

We are urging Congress to support President Obama's call for $1 billion a year in funding for the Child Nutrition Act. This will help cover a much-needed increase in reimbursements for healthier meals, as well as make enrollment in meal programs easier for children and families. It will also include assistance for farm-to-school programs.


Nutrition education is also extremely important, and we are calling on Congress to work with the President to ensure that improved meals and access to healthy food don't come at the expense of Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Education.


We need your help! The New York City Council will be collecting letters and sending them to our U.S. Senators and Congressional representatives. Please sign our online petition urging Congress to support these important changes to the Act. It will only take a moment at http://council.nyc.gov/html/action_center/child_nutrition_act.shtml

Also, our State and Federal Legislation Committee will be holding a hearing on the Child Nutrition Act this Monday, May 3rd at 1 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall. We realize that's really short notice - and we apologize - but if you can make it to City Hall that day, we'd certainly appreciate hearing your views on this topic.


Thank you in advance for helping us secure a healthier future for our children!





Christine C. Quinn
New York City Council


Maria del Carmen Arroyo
Chair, Health Committee
New York City Council


Domenic M. Recchia, Jr.
Chair, Finance Committee
New York City Council


Lewis A. Fidler
Chair, Youth Services Committee
New York City Council


Robert Jackson
Chair, Education Committee
New York City Council


Annabel Palma
Chair, General Welfare Committee
New York City Council


Helen D. Foster
Chair, State & Federal Legislation Committee
New York City Council